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A highly evocative collection of fragrances in their compositions and names. It introduces real or imagined stories that take you close or far away, in time and space. It’s surprising to be part of it, like fragments of memories and emotions that sometimes belong to your life as well.

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array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#278 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f833119e39ee11b4c827996" } ["uid"]=> int(21524908) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(32) "Allegro con Brio - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(30) "allegro-con-brio-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(451) "True, spontaneous, self-assured and aware of poetry and beauty. Allegro con Brio is an ode to nature and to a world of joy, fun, pleasantries and all things positive. Slightly bitter-sweet notes of artemisia and green nuances of clary sage mixed with geranium leaves and a touch of spicy patchouli, coriander and cloves announce a fresh scent of meadow flowers and fragrant herbs. Tonka bean and musk add sweetness and persistency to the composition. " ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(2) "13" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "15" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA001_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#279 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(832000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(32) "Allegro con Brio - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(451) "True, spontaneous, self-assured and aware of poetry and beauty. Allegro con Brio is an ode to nature and to a world of joy, fun, pleasantries and all things positive. Slightly bitter-sweet notes of artemisia and green nuances of clary sage mixed with geranium leaves and a touch of spicy patchouli, coriander and cloves announce a fresh scent of meadow flowers and fragrant herbs. Tonka bean and musk add sweetness and persistency to the composition. " } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317515" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834e8e39ee11b93a4cffc" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(32) "Allegro con Brio - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(432) "Vero, spontaneo, sicuro di sé, attento alla poesia e al bello. Allegro con Brio è un'ode alla naturalezza, gioioso e positivo. Note leggermente amarognole di artemisia e verdi nuance di salvia sclarea miscelate con foglie di geranio e un tocco speziato di patchouli, coriandolo e chiodi di garofano annunciano un fresco odore di fiori di campo ed erbe fragranti. Fava tonka e musk rendono più dolce e persistente la composizione." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(27) "Patchouli, Fava Tonka, Musk" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(28) "Patchouli, Tonka Beans, Musk" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(16) "Floreale Talcata" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(11) "Soft Floral" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(9) "Muschiata" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(4) "Musk" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(56) "Allegro+con+Brio.mp3?documentID=5f59e4c5be7ea08fe60f2ef0" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317515" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(24) "Geranio,Artemisia,Salvia" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(23) "Geranium,Artemisia,Sage" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(43) "Chiodi di Garofano,Coriandolo,Mughetto,Rosa" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(40) "Cloves,Coriander,Lily of the Valley,Rose" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(25) "Fava Tonka,Musk,Patchouli" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(25) "Tonka Bean,Musk,Patchouli" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(24) "Geranio,Artemisia,Salvia" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(39) "ChiodiGarofano,Coriandolo,Mughetto,Rosa" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(24) "FavaTonka,Musk,Patchouli" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(21) "CA9-08-802,CA9-08R800" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(696) "Un odore fresco, semplice, spontaneo. Ad un tratto pare di scorgere i movimenti a scatti di un uccellino che cinguetta sui rami dell'albero di fronte alla finestra della cucina. Chiudere gli occhi e ritrovarsi in quella casa di campagna in cui, d'estate, ci si sveglia al mattino quando il canto solitario del gallo dà inizio alla giornata e scatena il concerto degli animali da cortile. Allora ci si accorge con sorpresa che il mondo attorno a noi è già in piena attività, le camere areate, le lenzuola stese, l'erba tagliata, la cucina piena di aromi. L'aria è frizzante e rallegra i cuori. I campanelli delle biciclette chiamano a raccolta la compagnia e le risate risuonano tutt'intorno." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(737) "A fresh, simple, spontaneous scent. All of a sudden, you sense the staccato movements of a bird that trills from the branches of the tree opposite the kitchen window. Close your eyes for a moment and you will be right back there in that house in the country, where you wake on summer’s mornings when the cock’s solitary crow announces the beginning of the day and sets off the whole farmyard chorus. That’s when you realise, to your great surprise, that the world around you is already a hive of activity, rooms have been aired, sheets are hanging out, the grass has been cut and the kitchen is full of enticing aromas. The air is sparkling and it lightens the heart. Bicycle bells call friends to meet and laughs echo all around. " ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(696) "Un odore fresco, semplice, spontaneo. Ad un tratto pare di scorgere i movimenti a scatti di un uccellino che cinguetta sui rami dell'albero di fronte alla finestra della cucina. Chiudere gli occhi e ritrovarsi in quella casa di campagna in cui, d'estate, ci si sveglia al mattino quando il canto solitario del gallo dà inizio alla giornata e scatena il concerto degli animali da cortile. Allora ci si accorge con sorpresa che il mondo attorno a noi è già in piena attività, le camere aerate, le lenzuola stese, l'erba tagliata, la cucina piena di aromi. L'aria è frizzante e rallegra i cuori. I campanelli delle biciclette chiamano a raccolta la compagnia e le risate risuonano tutt'intorno." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(737) "A fresh, simple, spontaneous scent. All of a sudden, you sense the staccato movements of a bird that trills from the branches of the tree opposite the kitchen window. Close your eyes for a moment and you will be right back there in that house in the country, where you wake on summer’s mornings when the cock’s solitary crow announces the beginning of the day and sets off the whole farmyard chorus. That’s when you realise, to your great surprise, that the world around you is already a hive of activity, rooms have been aired, sheets are hanging out, the grass has been cut and the kitchen is full of enticing aromas. The air is sparkling and it lightens the heart. Bicycle bells call friends to meet and laughs echo all around. " ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-08-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(243) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(39) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#280 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "63c0c246e39ee1214a08523d" } ["uid"]=> int(26146955) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(28) "Archilibrium - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(26) "archilibrium-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(409) "As we walk along a path immersed in the wild notes of mastic, labdanum, elemi and musks and flowers, we are surprised to perceive slight signs of a human presence. Hints of fireplace and incense accompanied by coffee, saffron and citrus fruits. Approaching the source, we perceive woody, mineral and metallic accords, a sign of the presence of a building immersed in nature that blends and harmonizes with it." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "20" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA014_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#281 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(469000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(28) "Archilibrium - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(409) "As we walk along a path immersed in the wild notes of mastic, labdanum, elemi and musks and flowers, we are surprised to perceive slight signs of a human presence. Hints of fireplace and incense accompanied by coffee, saffron and citrus fruits. Approaching the source, we perceive woody, mineral and metallic accords, a sign of the presence of a building immersed in nature that blends and harmonizes with it." } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "63c0c250e39ee1224a08523f" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(28) "Archilibrium - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(411) "Nel percorrere un sentiero immersi nelle note selvagge di lentisco, labdano, elemi e di muschi e fiori, percepiamo con sorpresa lievi accenni di una presenza umana. Sentori di camino e di incensi accompagnati a caffè, zafferano e agrumi. Avvicinandoci alla fonte percepiamo accordi legnosi, minerali e metallici segno della presenza di una costruzione immersa nella natura che si fonde e si armonizza con essa." } } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8055773546080" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(7) "Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(5) "Woods" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(5) "Verde" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Green" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8055773546080" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(73) "Bacche di Ginepro,Caffè,Galbano,Limone,Pepe di Sichuan,Zafferano,Zenzero" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(67) "Juniper Berries,Coffee,Galbanum,Lemon,Sichuan Pepper,Saffron,Ginger" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(53) "Elemi,Iris,Labdano,Lentisco,Magnolia,Accordo Minerale" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(50) "Elemi,Iris,Labdanum,Mastic,Magnolia,Mineral Accord" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(82) "Amyris,Benzoino,Accordo di Legno Bruciato,Muschi Botanici,Semi di Ambretta,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(71) "Amyris,Benzoin,Burnt Wood Accord,Botanical Musks,Ambrette Seeds,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(65) "BaccheGinepro,Caffè,Galbano,Limone,PepeSichuan,Zafferano,Zenzero" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(45) "Elemi,Iris,Labdano,Lentisco,Magnolia,Minerale" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(60) "Amyris,Benzoino,LegniAffumicati,Muschio,SemiAmbretta,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(32) "CA9-14-800,CA9-14-802,CA9-14-803" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(393) "Archilibrium è una dedica all’architettura organica, che sviluppa l’idea di costruire un sistema in equilibrio tra ambiente naturale e ambiente costruito, in un rapporto armonico tra uomo e natura. Legni, pietra, acciaio e cemento si fondono armonicamente con la natura, senza imposizioni o prevaricazioni, ma con rispetto e umiltà, nella riscoperta dell’immane bellezza del creato." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(413) "Archilibrium is a dedication to organic architecture, which develops the idea of building a system in balance between the natural environment and the built environment, in an harmonious relationship between man and nature. Wood, stone, steel and concrete blend harmoniously with nature, without impositions or prevarications, but with respect and humility, in the rediscovery of the immense beauty of creation." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-14-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["w"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> float(263) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#282 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f833119e39ee1cc4d827997" } ["uid"]=> int(21524909) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(22) "Assolo - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(20) "assolo-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(282) "Naturalness and joy are expressed in Assolo with vigour and energy in a perfect blend of synergies. Around a strong Teak note mixed with cedarwood and musk, instruments of fruity, floral and aromatic notes, are tuned and here comes the soloist, a crystalline Golden Delicious apple." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(2) "10" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(1) "4" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA002_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#283 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(614000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(22) "Assolo - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(282) "Naturalness and joy are expressed in Assolo with vigour and energy in a perfect blend of synergies. Around a strong Teak note mixed with cedarwood and musk, instruments of fruity, floral and aromatic notes, are tuned and here comes the soloist, a crystalline Golden Delicious apple." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317478" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834ebe39ee1d396a4cdce" ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(35) "Legno di Teak, Legno di Cedro, Musk" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(21) "Teak, Cedarwood, Musk" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(7) "Cuoiata" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(9) "Dry Woods" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(17) "Agrumata Fruttata" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(13) "Citrus Fruity" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(46) "Assolo.mp3?documentID=5f5a218abe7ea088c70f2f0f" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317478" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(29) "Artemisia,Limetta,Mela Golden" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(27) "Artemisia,Lime,Golden Apple" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(23) "Gelsomino,Reseda,Tagete" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(23) "Jasmine,Reseda,Marigold" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(33) "Legno di Cedro,Legno di Teak,Musk" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(24) "Cedarwood,Teak Wood,Musk" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(28) "Artemisia,Limetta,MelaGolden" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(23) "Gelsomino,Reseda,Tagete" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(20) "Legno,LegnoTeak,Musk" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-03-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(466) "Da un'orchestra originalissima si librano accordi che creano un insieme fresco, pulito, delicato. Ma ecco che il solista, una mela gialla, con la sua nota inaspettata, spicca netta e dolce, prende il sopravvento e ci trascina nel suo racconto. L'estro dell'artista l'arricchisce di sfumature originali e di contrasti inaspettati, per poi sfumare nel fondo legnoso, muschiato, che non si impone mai, ma che è sempre ben presente e garantisce una solida base ritmica." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(478) "From a highly original orchestra chords are struck that create a fresh, clean, delicate blend. Suddenly here comes the soloist, a yellow apple, with an unpredictable, sweet note, stands out loud and clear and creates a story of its own. The artist's creative verve enriches it with original nuances and unexpected contrasts, before it blends back into the woody, musky base that never forces itself on us, but is always a consistent presence, guaranteeing a solid rhythmic base." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(465) "Da un'orchestra originalissima si librano accordi che creano un insieme fresco, pulito, delicato. Ma ecco che il solista, una mela gialla, con la sua nota inaspettata, spicca netta e dolce, prende il sopravvento e ci trascina nel suo racconto. L'estro dell'artista l'arricchisce di sfumature originali e di contrasti inaspettati, per poi sfumare nel fondo legnoso, muschiato, che non si impone mai, ma che è sempre ben presente e garantisce una solida base ritmica" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(478) "From a highly original orchestra chords are struck that create a fresh, clean, delicate blend. Suddenly here comes the soloist, a yellow apple, with an unpredictable, sweet note, stands out loud and clear and creates a story of its own. The artist's creative verve enriches it with original nuances and unexpected contrasts, before it blends back into the woody, musky base that never forces itself on us, but is always a consistent presence, guaranteeing a solid rhythmic base." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-03-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(21) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(22) "Assolo - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(262) "Naturalezza e allegria si esprimono in Assolo con vigore, in un perfetto gioco di sinergie. Attorno ad una robusta nota di teak, legno di cedro e musk si accordano gli strumenti fruttati, floreali ed aromatici, da cui si erge solista una cristallina mela golden." } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#284 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311ae39ee18f4c82798e" } ["uid"]=> int(21524910) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(30) "Brezza di Seta - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(28) "brezza-di-seta-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(377) "Brezza di Seta is a delicate interplay of emotions that alternate without every overlapping in a delicate undulation. Its fresh, green notes of violet leaves almost seem to protect a powdery, heart of iris, discreet yet definitely present, that hides and then shows itself, almost shyly and then it leaves room to a complex accord of patchouli, vetiver, vanilla and tonka bean." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "4" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(2) "12" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(1) "4" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA003_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#285 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(736000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(30) "Brezza di Seta - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(377) "Brezza di Seta is a delicate interplay of emotions that alternate without every overlapping in a delicate undulation. Its fresh, green notes of violet leaves almost seem to protect a powdery, heart of iris, discreet yet definitely present, that hides and then shows itself, almost shyly and then it leaves room to a complex accord of patchouli, vetiver, vanilla and tonka bean." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317508" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834eee39ee18697a4caf0" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(30) "Brezza di Seta - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(391) "Un delicato gioco di emozioni si alterna in Brezza di Seta senza mai sovrastarsi, in un ondeggiare flessuoso e delicato. Le note fresche e verdi di foglie di violetta sembrano quasi proteggere un cuore talcato di iris, discreto ma ben presente, che si cela e si palesa, quasi con pudore per lasciare poi spazio ad un complesso accordo di patchouli, vetiver, bacche di vaniglia e fava tonka." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(5) "Donna" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(5) "Woman" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(50) "Patchouli, Vetiver, Bacche di Vaniglia, Fava Tonka" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(45) "Patchouli, Vetiver, Vanilla Pods, Tonka Beans" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(16) "Floreale Ambrata" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(12) "Floral Amber" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(17) "Agrumata Fruttata" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(13) "Citrus Fruity" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(54) "Brezza+di+Seta.mp3?documentID=5f5a225000f2201628e0a674" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317508" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(44) "Lavanda,Neroli,Ribes Nero,Foglie di Violetta" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(42) "Lavender,Neroli,Black Currant,Violet Leafs" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(18) "Iris,Magnolia,Rosa" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(18) "Iris,Magnolia,Rose" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(37) "Fava Tonka,Patchouli,Vaniglia,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(36) "Tonka Bean,Patchouli,Vanilla,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(33) "Lavanda,Neroli,RibesNero,Violetta" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(18) "Iris,Magnolia,Rosa" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(36) "FavaTonka,Patchouli,Vaniglia,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-06-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(468) "Seduta allo specchio si aggiusta il trucco, si allaccia un sottile filo di piccole perle e si cosparge di un profumo avvolgente e vellutato. Poi si alza, sistemando le pieghe del vestito e con il suo incedere sinuoso ma discreto, libera ondate di ammalianti note rosate e talcate su cui aleggia una frizzante nota verde. Una vivissima immagine di charme, di composta eleganza e stile in cui un'innata tenerezza ed una sensualità garbata assumono sfaccettature uniche." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(476) "Sitting at the mirror, she touches up her make-up, clasps on a thin string of little pearls and adds an embracing, velvety perfume. Then she stands up, straightens the folds in her soft dress and moves off sinuously yet discreetly, leaving a faint trace of enticing rosy and talc notes topped by a sparkling green note. This vivid picture of charm, composed elegance and style, containing an innate tenderness and an understated sensuality, takes on particular, unique facets." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(468) "Seduta allo specchio si aggiusta il trucco, si allaccia un sottile filo di piccole perle e si cosparge di un profumo avvolgente e vellutato. Poi si alza, sistemando le pieghe del vestito e con il suo incedere sinuoso ma discreto, libera ondate di ammalianti note rosate e talcate su cui aleggia una frizzante nota verde. Una vivissima immagine di charme, di composta eleganza e stile in cui un'innata tenerezza ed una sensualità garbata assumono sfaccettature uniche." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(476) "Sitting at the mirror, she touches up her make-up, clasps on a thin string of little pearls and adds an embracing, velvety perfume. Then she stands up, straightens the folds in her soft dress and moves off sinuously yet discreetly, leaving a faint trace of enticing rosy and talc notes topped by a sparkling green note. This vivid picture of charm, composed elegance and style, containing an innate tenderness and an understated sensuality, takes on particular, unique facets." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-06-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(525) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#286 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311ae39ee18f4c82798f" } ["uid"]=> int(21524911) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(26) "Dolce Riso - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(24) "dolce-riso-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(326) "Dolce Riso is positive, sweet and optimistic. This slightly amber fragrance gives the sensation of a great, joyful embrace in which spicy notes of white pepper and warm nuances of musk announce an heart of rice and cereals. A delicately sweet dominant of vanilla and tonka bean inspires spontaneity, harmony and joie de vivre." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "5" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(1) "4" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA004_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#287 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(830000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Dolce Riso - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(326) "Dolce Riso is positive, sweet and optimistic. This slightly amber fragrance gives the sensation of a great, joyful embrace in which spicy notes of white pepper and warm nuances of musk announce an heart of rice and cereals. A delicately sweet dominant of vanilla and tonka bean inspires spontaneity, harmony and joie de vivre." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317454" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834f2e39ee18697a4caf6" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Dolce Riso - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(355) "Dolce Riso è positività, tenerezza e ottimismo. Questa composizione leggermente ambrata dà la sensazione di un grande gioioso abbraccio in cui note di testa speziate di pepe bianco e sfumature calde di musk annunciano un cuore di riso e cereali. Una dominanza delicatamente dolce di vaniglia e fava tonka ispira spontaneità, armonia e gioia di vivere." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(26) "Musk, Vaniglia, Fava Tonka" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(26) "Musk, Vanilla, Tonka Beans" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(15) "Ambrata Leggera" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(10) "Soft Amber" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(17) "Agrumata Fruttata" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(13) "Citrus Fruity" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(50) "Dolce+Riso.mp3?documentID=5f5a2270be7ea08ecf0f2ef5" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317454" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(22) "Artemisia,Limetta,Mela" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(20) "Artemisia,Lime,Apple" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(24) "Pepe Bianco,Riso,Cereali" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(25) "White Pepper,Rice,Cereals" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(24) "Fava Tonka,Musk,Vaniglia" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(23) "Tonka Bean,Musk,Vanilla" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(22) "Artemisia,Limetta,Mela" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(23) "PepeBianco,Riso,Cereali" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(23) "FavaTonka,Musk,Vaniglia" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(21) "CA9-01-802,CA9-01R800" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(670) "Il riso è come un sottofondo, un ritmo che scandisce da millenni l'esistenza di differenti civiltà e rappresenta un elemento di unione e condivisione che va al di là di confini e razze. Il riso, sinonimo di vita, gioia e prosperità, è protagonista di molti miti. Retna Doumila (Gioia Raggiante) chiese a Shiva in dono di nozze un 'cibo buono e nutriente che non sarebbe mai venuto a noia alla gente'. Quando morì, prima delle nozze, dalla sua tomba, bagnata dalle lacrime dello sconsolato Shiva, spuntò una pianticella da cui pendevano candidi chicchi. 'In questa pianta è chiusa l'allegria della bella Retna' e così Shiva decise di donare all'umanità il riso." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(747) "Rice is like a backdrop, a rhythm that has been marking the passage of civilisations for thousands of years. It's an element of unity and sharing that goes beyond borders and exceeds the diversity of races. A synonym of life, joy and prosperity, this priceless little plant stars in countless legends. One tells the tale of the wedding gift that the beautiful Retna Doumila (Radiant Joy) asked to receive from the Indian god Shiva some good, nourishing food that would never leave people bored. When she died before wedding from her tomb watered by the tears of a disconsolate Shiva, a little plant sprang forth bearing white grains. 'All the beautiful Retna's joy is enclosed in this plant' sentenced Shiva as he decided to give rice to humanity." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(675) "Il riso è come un sottofondo, un ritmo che scandisce da millenni l'esistenza di differenti civiltà e rappresenta un elemento di unione e condivisione che va al di là di confini e razze. Il riso, sinonimo di vita, gioia e prosperità, è protagonista di molti miti. Retna Doumila (Gioia Raggiante) chiese a Shiva in dono di nozze un \"cibo buono e nutriente che non sarebbe mai venuto a noia alla gente”. Quando morì, prima delle nozze, dalla sua tomba, bagnata dalle lacrime dello sconsolato Shiva, spuntò una pianticella da cui pendevano candidi chicchi. \"In questa pianta è chiusa l'allegria della bella Retna\" e così Shiva decise di donare all'umanità il riso." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(749) "Rice is like a backdrop, a rhythm that has been marking the passage of civilisations for thousands of years. It's an element of unity and sharing that goes beyond borders and exceeds the diversity of races. A synonym of life, joy and prosperity, this priceless little plant stars in countless legends. One tells the tale of the wedding gift that the beautiful Retna Doumila (Radiant Joy) asked to receive from the Indian god Shiva some good, nourishing food that would never leave people bored. When she died before wedding from her tomb watered by the tears of a disconsolate Shiva, a little plant sprang forth bearing white grains. \"All the beautiful Retna's joy is enclosed in this plant\" sentenced Shiva as he decided to give rice to humanity." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-01-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(953) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#288 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "679ae438e39ee12627df74ee" } ["uid"]=> int(34168852) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(36) "Energie della natura - Discovery Kit" ["slug"]=> string(34) "energie-della-natura-discovery-kit" ["description"]=> string(432) "‘Energie della Natura’ Discovery Kit includes 7 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). Get ready to discover more about the power of the nature channeled in Fulgor, and its generous gifts that have been the inspiration for Roboris and Dolce Riso. Get involved in the sense of positivity and well-being evoked by Tepidarium, Assolo e Allegro con Brio and be captivated by Archilibrium's perfect connection between man and nature." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(5) "-----" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(20) ["final_price"]=> float(20) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(2) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(16) "CA999_60131_2845" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#289 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739871916) ["usec"]=> int(391000) } ["services"]=> array(2) { ["ebay"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(0) } ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(5) { ["title"]=> string(36) "Energie della natura - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(420) "‘Energie della Natura’ Discovery Kit includes 7 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). Get ready to discover more about the power of the nature channeled in Fulgor, and its generous gifts that have been the inspiration for Roboris and Dolce Riso. Get involved in the sense of positivity and well-being evoked by Tepidarium, Assolo e Allegro con Brio and be captivated by Archilibrium's perfect connection between man and nature." ["keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(0) "" } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "67b456945fb8e0484d48ba64" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(36) "Energie della natura - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(407) "Il Discovery Kit ‘Energie della natura’ custodisce 7 fragranze nel formato spray da 1,5 ml. Preparatevi a scoprire la forza e la potenza della natura incanalata in Fulgor, i suoi doni raccontati con Roboris e Dolce Riso. Lasciatevi coinvolgere dal senso di positività e benessere evocati da Tepidarium, Assolo e Allegro con Brio e ammaliare dalla perfetta connessione tra uomo e natura di Archilibrium." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "9ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(14) { ["superkey"]=> string(3) "9ml" ["available"]=> int(3) ["price"]=> float(0) ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-99-988" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(3) "9ml" } ["weight"]=> float(0) ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) ["dwfile"]=> string(0) "" ["gallery"]=> array(0) { } } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["data"]=> array(7) { ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["minQuantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["step"]=> string(1) "1" ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["productType"]=> string(8) "physical" ["unlimited"]=> bool(false) } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#290 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311de39ee18f4c827990" } ["uid"]=> int(21524917) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(22) "Fulgor - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(20) "fulgor-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(240) "Fulgor is strong, imperative, with graphite and pyrite mineral notes. Cold fruity notes evoke dense rain-laden clouds. Power, strength and mistery, hidden behind Forces of Nature, are expressed by amber, incense, herbaceous and woody notes." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "6" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "20" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA010_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#291 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(738000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(22) "Fulgor - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(240) "Fulgor is strong, imperative, with graphite and pyrite mineral notes. Cold fruity notes evoke dense rain-laden clouds. Power, strength and mistery, hidden behind Forces of Nature, are expressed by amber, incense, herbaceous and woody notes." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317522" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f983504e39ee14897a4cb14" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(22) "Fulgor - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(272) "Fulgor è una fragranza solida, imperativa, con note minerali di grafite e pirite. Note fruttate ma fredde evocano nuvole cariche di pioggia. Possanza, forza e arcano che si celano dietro le forze della Natura sono espresse da nuance incensate, erbacee, ambrate e legnose." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(51) "Incenso, Patchouli, Ambra Minerale, Grafite, Pirite" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(51) "Incense, Patchouli, Mineral Amber, Graphite, Pyrite" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(15) "Ambrata Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(11) "Woody Amber" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(5) "Verde" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Green" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(46) "Fulgor.mp3?documentID=5f59e51bbe7ea0ebe70f2ef0" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317522" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(37) "Foglie di Fico,Mandarino Verde,Cassis" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(40) "Fig Leaves,Green Tangerine,Black Currant" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(26) "Magnolia,Narciso,Zafferano" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(26) "Magnolia,Narcissus,Saffron" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(37) "Ambra Minerale,Grafite,Incenso,Pirite" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(37) "Mineral Amber,Graphite,Incense,Pyrite" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(35) "FicoFoglie,MandarinoVerde,RibesNero" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(26) "Magnolia,Narciso,Zafferano" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(28) "Ambra,Grafite,Incenso,Pirite" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-10-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(766) "Mutamenti improvvisi della Natura si palesano con dirompente energia... qualcosa sta per succedere, forze immani si stanno radunando. Fulgor è l'attimo prima dello sfogarsi di un grandioso temporale nel deserto, è elettricità di fulmine, aridità di sabbia, nubi cariche di umidità nel luogo più arido che si possa immaginare. Lampi e tuoni impressionanti annunciano lo scatenarsi di un evento inatteso. Densità di cariche elettriche, venti turbinosi, improvvisi oscuramenti del sole. Forti contrasti, presagi di un imminente conflitto tra Forze della Natura. Con il suo carattere determinato, deciso e impaziente Fulgor è coesistenza di elementi opposti: deserto e acqua, vento e calore, silenzio e fragore, ansiosi di sfuggire dalla loro forzata convivenza." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(744) "Sudden changes in Nature explode onto the scene... something is about to happen, tremendous forces are coming together. Fulgor is that very moment, the one just before the desert storm: the electricity in a lightning bolt, the arid sand, dense dark cloud laden with moisture in the driest place one could imagine. Bolts of lightning and the rolling thunder announce the unleashing of an expected event. The density of charges, the whirling wind, the sudden shrouding of the sun. Strong contrasts presage the imminent conflict between the very Forces of the Nature. With its determined, decisive character and its impatience, Fulgor embodies opposing elements, desert and water, wind and heat, silence and thunder,ready to escape their shackles." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(766) "Mutamenti improvvisi della Natura si palesano con dirompente energia... qualcosa sta per succedere, forze immani si stanno radunando. Fulgor è l'attimo prima dello sfogarsi di un grandioso temporale nel deserto, è elettricità di fulmine, aridità di sabbia, nubi cariche di umidità nel luogo più arido che si possa immaginare. Lampi e tuoni impressionanti annunciano lo scatenarsi di un evento inatteso. Densità di cariche elettriche, venti turbinosi, improvvisi oscuramenti del sole. Forti contrasti, presagi di un imminente conflitto tra Forze della Natura. Con il suo carattere determinato, deciso e impaziente Fulgor è coesistenza di elementi opposti: deserto e acqua, vento e calore, silenzio e fragore, ansiosi di sfuggire dalla loro forzata convivenza." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(744) "Sudden changes in Nature explode onto the scene... something is about to happen, tremendous forces are coming together. Fulgor is that very moment, the one just before the desert storm: the electricity in a lightning bolt, the arid sand, dense dark cloud laden with moisture in the driest place one could imagine. Bolts of lightning and the rolling thunder announce the unleashing of an expected event. The density of charges, the whirling wind, the sudden shrouding of the sun. Strong contrasts presage the imminent conflict between the very Forces of the Nature. With its determined, decisive character and its impatience, Fulgor embodies opposing elements, desert and water, wind and heat, silence and thunder,ready to escape their shackles." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-10-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(279) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#292 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "679ae437e39ee1d427df74b9" } ["uid"]=> int(34168850) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(33) "Inattese emozioni - Discovery Kit" ["slug"]=> string(31) "inattese-emozioni-discovery-kit" ["description"]=> string(441) "‘Inattese emozioni’ Discovery Set contains 7 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). Get ready to start a sensory journey with the strong feeling evoked by Mistero and the inner peace of Ozio. Brezza di Seta inspires a sense of tenderness and Preludio d’Oriente is associated to a delicate evocation. Sottosopra and Libera Mente invite you to take some time and meditate while Archilibrium will surprise you with its house in the woods." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(5) "-----" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(20) ["final_price"]=> float(20) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(2) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(16) "CA999_60131_2846" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#293 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739871956) ["usec"]=> int(464000) } ["services"]=> array(2) { ["ebay"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(0) } ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(5) { ["title"]=> string(33) "Inattese emozioni - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(429) "‘Inattese emozioni’ Discovery Set contains 7 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). Get ready to start a sensory journey with the strong feeling evoked by Mistero and the inner peace of Ozio. Brezza di Seta inspires a sense of tenderness and Preludio d’Oriente is associated to a delicate evocation. Sottosopra and Libera Mente invite you to take some time and meditate while Archilibrium will surprise you with its house in the woods." ["keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(0) "" } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "67b456cbbe7ea018843c0a2a" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(33) "Inattese emozioni - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(477) "Il Discovery Kit ‘Inattese emozioni’ contiene 7 fragranze nel formato spray da 1,5 ml. Preparatevi a intraprendere un viaggio tra le sensazioni con l’intensità suscitata da Mistero e la pace interiore di Ozio. Brezza di Seta saprà stimolare un senso di tenerezza e Preludio d’Oriente vi conquisterà con le sue evocazioni delicate. Sottosopra e Libera Mente vi inviteranno a rallentare e meditare mentre Archilibrium vi sorprenderà con la sua casa immersa nel bosco." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "9ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(14) { ["superkey"]=> string(3) "9ml" ["available"]=> int(1) ["price"]=> float(0) ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-99-989" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(3) "9ml" } ["weight"]=> float(0) ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) ["dwfile"]=> string(0) "" ["gallery"]=> array(0) { } } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["data"]=> array(7) { ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["minQuantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["step"]=> string(1) "1" ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["productType"]=> string(8) "physical" ["unlimited"]=> bool(false) } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#294 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "679ae437e39ee12627df74ed" } ["uid"]=> int(34168851) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(53) "Le storie di Calé Fragranze d'Autore - Discovery Kit" ["slug"]=> string(50) "le-storie-di-cale-fragranze-d-autore-discovery-kit" ["description"]=> string(493) "‘Le storie di Calé Fragranze d’Autore’ Discovery Kit offers 13 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). A delightful, olfactory tasting to discover more about the stories of the brand: from the power of the nature and its generous gifts to the caleidoscope of emotions inspired by every fragrance. The kit contains: Allegro con Brio, Assolo, Brezza di Seta, Dolce Riso, Fulgor, Libera Mente, Mistero, Ozio, Preludio d’Oriente, Roboris, Sottosopra, Tepidarium and Archilibrium." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(5) "-----" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(40) ["final_price"]=> float(40) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(2) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA999_60131" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#295 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739871938) ["usec"]=> int(365000) } ["services"]=> array(2) { ["ebay"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(0) } ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(5) { ["title"]=> string(53) "Le storie di Calé Fragranze d'Autore - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(473) "‘Le storie di Calé Fragranze d’Autore’ Discovery Kit offers 13 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). A delightful, olfactory tasting to discover more about the stories of the brand: from the power of the nature and its generous gifts to the caleidoscope of emotions inspired by every fragrance. The kit contains: Allegro con Brio, Assolo, Brezza di Seta, Dolce Riso, Fulgor, Libera Mente, Mistero, Ozio, Preludio d’Oriente, Roboris, Sottosopra, Tepidarium and Archilibrium." ["keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(0) "" } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "67b456b7202628e9343115a4" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(53) "Le storie di Calé Fragranze d'Autore - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(501) "Il Discovery Kit ‘Le storie di Calé Fragranze d’Autore’ racchiude 13 fragranze nel formato spray da 1,5 ml. Una degustazione olfattiva sopraffina per scoprire i racconti del brand: dall’energia della natura e la generosità dei suoi doni al caleidoscopio di emozioni suscitate dai profumi della collezione.
Il Set contiene: Allegro con Brio, Assolo, Brezza di Seta, Dolce Riso, Fulgor, Libera Mente, Mistero, Ozio, Preludio d’Oriente, Roboris, Sottosopra, Tepidarium e Archilibrium." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "18ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(14) { ["superkey"]=> string(4) "18ml" ["available"]=> int(5) ["price"]=> float(0) ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-99-984" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "18ml" } ["weight"]=> float(0) ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) ["dwfile"]=> string(0) "" ["gallery"]=> array(0) { } } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["data"]=> array(7) { ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["minQuantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["step"]=> string(1) "1" ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["productType"]=> string(8) "physical" ["unlimited"]=> bool(false) } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) }
array(38) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#296 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311ee39ee1fa4e827971" } ["uid"]=> int(21524919) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(28) "Libera Mente - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(26) "libera-mente-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(521) "We enter a garden, a peaceful oasis hidden in between skyscrapers. The water is absent, however we can percept it. In Libera Mente the evoking of its pouring is represented in olfactory terms by blue-green algae. The apparently contrasting top notes of rhubarb, ginger, bitter orange and marine hints structure themselves in an unusual harmony. The heart notes slowly slide into a delicate bouquet where magnolia and cyclamen combine themselves with a fir nuance. Vetiver and black tea complete this olfactory meditation." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> int(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(1) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA012_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#297 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(618000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(28) "Libera Mente - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(521) "We enter a garden, a peaceful oasis hidden in between skyscrapers. The water is absent, however we can percept it. In Libera Mente the evoking of its pouring is represented in olfactory terms by blue-green algae. The apparently contrasting top notes of rhubarb, ginger, bitter orange and marine hints structure themselves in an unusual harmony. The heart notes slowly slide into a delicate bouquet where magnolia and cyclamen combine themselves with a fir nuance. Vetiver and black tea complete this olfactory meditation." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317577" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f98350ae39ee1f896a4cc7a" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(28) "Libera Mente - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(546) "Ci addentriamo in un giardino, oasi di pace nascosta tra i grattacieli. L’acqua è assente eppure la percepiamo. L’evocazione del suo fluire è rappresentata olfattivamente in Libera Mente attraverso l’alga spirulina. Note di testa apparentemente discordanti di rabarbaro, zenzero, arancia amara e accenni marini si strutturano in una insolita armonia. Le note di cuore scivolano lentamente in un delicato bouquet dove magnolia e ciclamino si combinano con una nuance di abete bianco. Vetiver e the nero completano la meditazione olfattiva." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(43) "The Nero, Alga Azzurra (Spirulina), Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(48) "Black Tea, Blue-Green Algae (Spirulina), Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(7) "Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(5) "Woods" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(9) "Acquatica" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Water" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(52) "Libera+Mente.mp3?documentID=5f5a21d1be7ea039cd0f2ef3" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317577" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(49) "Arancia Amara,Accenni Acquatici,Rabarbaro,Zenzero" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(34) "Orange,Watery Hints,Rhubarb,Ginger" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(31) "Abete Bianco,Ciclamino,Magnolia" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(22) "Fir,Ciclamino,Magnolia" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(29) "Alga Azzurra,The Nero,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(34) "Blue-Green Algae,Black Tea,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(36) "Arancia,NoteMarine,Rabarbaro,Zenzero" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(24) "Abete,Ciclamino,Magnolia" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(16) "Alga,The,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-12-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(580) "Lungo le strade di una città caotica la gente si muove con la stessa incontenibile frenesia che si osserva in un formicaio. Inaspettatamente, da un piccolo cancello, appare un vialetto che si addentra in un giardino silenzioso dove ciottoli, isole e ponti sulla sabbia alludono all’acqua che tuttavia non compare mai. Percepiamo il flusso di energia che permea tutto e che fa nascere il desiderio irrefrenabile di entrare in armonia con ciò che ci circonda. Cogliamo un senso di calma e rilassatezza che invita a estraniarsi dalle preoccupazioni materiali, sedersi e meditare." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(576) "In the streets of a chaotic city people move with the same uncontrollable frenzy that we can observe inside an anthill. Unexpectedly an alley leading to a quiet garden, appears from a little gate. Here pebbles, little islands and bridges on sand allude the presence of water that, however, never shows up. We perceive the stream of energy that permeates everything and gives birth to an overwhelming desire to be in harmony with the surrounding environment. We are caught by a sense of peace and relax that invite us to pull away from material concerns, sit down and meditate." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(580) "Lungo le strade di una città caotica la gente si muove con la stessa incontenibile frenesia che si osserva in un formicaio. Inaspettatamente, da un piccolo cancello, appare un vialetto che si addentra in un giardino silenzioso dove ciottoli, isole e ponti sulla sabbia alludono all’acqua che tuttavia non compare mai. Percepiamo il flusso di energia che permea tutto e che fa nascere il desiderio irrefrenabile di entrare in armonia con ciò che ci circonda. Cogliamo un senso di calma e rilassatezza che invita a estraniarsi dalle preoccupazioni materiali, sedersi e meditare." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(576) "In the streets of a chaotic city people move with the same uncontrollable frenzy that we can observe inside an anthill. Unexpectedly an alley leading to a quiet garden, appears from a little gate. Here pebbles, little islands and bridges on sand allude the presence of water that, however, never shows up. We perceive the stream of energy that permeates everything and gives birth to an overwhelming desire to be in harmony with the surrounding environment. We are caught by a sense of peace and relax that invite us to pull away from material concerns, sit down and meditate." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-12-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(569) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#298 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311b00f220caa74f6983" } ["uid"]=> int(21524912) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(23) "Mistero - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(21) "mistero-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(244) "Mistero gives off warm, resinous, woody and spicy notes and a hint of precious old distilled liquor. A decisive structure is compounded by hints of saffron, mint, rhubarb and basmati rice, with its hazelnut note, which gives unexpected nuances." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(3) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA005_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#299 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(734000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(23) "Mistero - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(244) "Mistero gives off warm, resinous, woody and spicy notes and a hint of precious old distilled liquor. A decisive structure is compounded by hints of saffron, mint, rhubarb and basmati rice, with its hazelnut note, which gives unexpected nuances." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317485" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834f55fb8e00a90f43a9e" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(23) "Mistero - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(275) "Mistero emana calde note resinose, legnose, speziate e un sentore di prezioso distillato invecchiato. La composizione è robusta e decisa con accenni di zafferano, menta, rabarbaro e riso basmati dalla caratteristica nota nocciola, che conferiscono inaspettate sfaccettature." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(46) "Legno di Quercia, Legno di Agar, Labdano, Musk" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(33) "Oakwood, Agarwood, Labdanum, Musk" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(7) "Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(5) "Woods" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(47) "Mistero.mp3?documentID=5f5a2256be7ea044d00f2ef0" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317485" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(20) "Menta,Rabarbaro,Rhum" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(16) "Mint,Rhubarb,Rum" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(36) "Elemi,Pimento,Riso Basmati,Zafferano" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(34) "Elemi,Pimento,Basmati Rice,Saffron" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(43) "Musk,Legno di Agar,Legno di Quercia,Labdano" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(31) "Musk,Agarwood,Oak Wood,Labdanum" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(20) "Menta,Rabarbaro,Rhum" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(35) "Elemi,Pimento,RisoBasmati,Zafferano" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(26) "Musk,Legno,Quercia,Labdano" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-05-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(641) "Un uomo, ma soprattutto quello che di lui vorremmo scoprire. Misterioso, ma non per scelta. La complessità e ricchezza del suo essere rendono impossibile classificarlo, collocarlo in una categoria e, forse, è molto meglio così. Caldo e avvolgente come cachemire, forte e rassicurante come un abbraccio protettivo, rilassante e piacevole come una serata davanti ad un camino, calmo e riflessivo come certe persone della nostra vita a cui dobbiamo molto, stimolante e inatteso. Difficile rimanere indifferenti di fronte a questo profumo. Esso è certamente il compagno ideale per un carattere intrigante, sicuro, curioso, dallo stile unico." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(680) "A man, but above all that part of him that we would like to discover. Mysterious, but not by choice. The complexity and richness of his personality make it impossible to classify, to place in a category and maybe it's much better that way. As warm and embracing as cashmere, as strong and reassuring as a protective hug, as relaxing and pleasant as an evening in front of the fireplace, as calm and thoughtful as those people in the life of every one of us to whom we all know we owe so much, stimulating and unexpected. It's hard not to be influenced by this perfume. It is certainly the ideal companion for an intriguing, self-assured character, curious and with a unique style." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(641) "Un uomo, ma soprattutto quello che di lui vorremmo scoprire. Misterioso, ma non per scelta. La complessità e ricchezza del suo essere rendono impossibile classificarlo, collocarlo in una categoria e, forse, è molto meglio così. Caldo e avvolgente come cachemire, forte e rassicurante come un abbraccio protettivo, rilassante e piacevole come una serata davanti ad un camino, calmo e riflessivo come certe persone della nostra vita a cui dobbiamo molto, stimolante e inatteso. Difficile rimanere indifferenti di fronte a questo profumo. Esso è certamente il compagno ideale per un carattere intrigante, sicuro, curioso, dallo stile unico." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(680) "A man, but above all that part of him that we would like to discover. Mysterious, but not by choice. The complexity and richness of his personality make it impossible to classify, to place in a category and maybe it's much better that way. As warm and embracing as cashmere, as strong and reassuring as a protective hug, as relaxing and pleasant as an evening in front of the fireplace, as calm and thoughtful as those people in the life of every one of us to whom we all know we owe so much, stimulating and unexpected. It's hard not to be influenced by this perfume. It is certainly the ideal companion for an intriguing, self-assured character, curious and with a unique style." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-05-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(102) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#300 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311be39ee1ca4e82798f" } ["uid"]=> int(21524913) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(20) "Ozio - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(18) "ozio-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(343) "Smell of wild herbs expressed by reseda and lentisque, wild flowers, spices like mace and white pepper and centuries-old woods give a sense of lightness and robustness at the same time that distinguish Ozio. This fragrance celebrates a priceless time when the ideas and convictions that will accompany us throughout our lives come to maturity." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(2) "11" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "20" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA006_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#301 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(733000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(20) "Ozio - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(343) "Smell of wild herbs expressed by reseda and lentisque, wild flowers, spices like mace and white pepper and centuries-old woods give a sense of lightness and robustness at the same time that distinguish Ozio. This fragrance celebrates a priceless time when the ideas and convictions that will accompany us throughout our lives come to maturity." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317539" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834f8e39ee1f896a4cc63" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(20) "Ozio - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(316) "I sentori del verde selvatico resi da reseda e lentisco, dei fiori di campo, di spezie quali macis e pepe bianco e di legni secolari danno il senso di lievità e di robustezza che caratterizzano Ozio. La fragranza celebra un tempo prezioso che fa maturare idee e convinzioni che ci accompagneranno per tutta la vita." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(29) "Sandalo, Legno di Cedro, Musk" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(27) "Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Musk" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(8) "Floreale" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(6) "Floral" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(5) "Verde" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Green" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(44) "Ozio.mp3?documentID=5f5a22765fb8e02896d9354f" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317539" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(15) "Lentisco,Reseda" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(13) "Mastic,Reseda" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(29) "Iris,Macis,Peonia,Pepe Bianco" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(28) "Iris,Mace,Peony,White Pepper" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(36) "Legno di Cedro,Legno di Sandalo,Musk" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(25) "Cedarwood,Sandalwood,Musk" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(15) "Lentisco,Reseda" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(28) "Iris,Macis,Peonia,PepeBianco" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(23) "Legno,LegnoSandalo,Musk" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-02-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(752) "All'ombra di un pergolato, la vista spazia dai prati verdi al cielo blu, un fresco nettare ed un buon libro sono i nostri compagni. In questa intensa quiete, dalla rigogliosa natura che ci circonda, si diffondono suoni armoniosi, note erbacee aromatiche, sentori floreali e legnosi. Spazi aperti, colori vivi e naturali, odori rassicuranti, ci dispongono ad una pace interiore, liberano la mente e la lasciano viaggiare senza limiti tra i mille spunti, racconti ed avventure che si affacciano ai nostri pensieri e spiccano il volo sulle ali di aromi e profumi. Per i Romani l'Otium era il tempo dedicato all'attività speculativa, alla lettura che porta a conoscere meglio il mondo e se stessi. Un tempo sacro, intimo, che va gelosamente salvaguardato." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(755) "In the shade of a pergola, where the view takes in a sweep of green meadows and deep blue skies, a fresh nectar and a good book are the best companions. In this intense quiet, your senses are pervaded by harmonious sounds, aromatic herbaceous notes, woody and flowery scents. Open spaces, vivid, natural colours and reassuring odours put us into a peaceful inner frame of mind, freeing the intellect and allowing it to wander unfettered... amid the myriad stimuli, the stories and the adventures that cross our minds and flit away on the wings of aromas and perfumes. Otium was the time devoted to speculative activity, to the reading that enabled them to learn more about the world and themselves. It is a sacred, intimate time, worth guarding jealously." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(752) "All'ombra di un pergolato, la vista spazia dai prati verdi al cielo blu, un fresco nettare ed un buon libro sono i nostri compagni. In questa intensa quiete, dalla rigogliosa natura che ci circonda, si diffondono suoni armoniosi, note erbacee aromatiche, sentori floreali e legnosi. Spazi aperti, colori vivi e naturali, odori rassicuranti, ci dispongono ad una pace interiore, liberano la mente e la lasciano viaggiare senza limiti tra i mille spunti, racconti ed avventure che si affacciano ai nostri pensieri e spiccano il volo sulle ali di aromi e profumi. Per i Romani l'Otium era il tempo dedicato all'attività speculativa, alla lettura che porta a conoscere meglio il mondo e se stessi. Un tempo sacro, intimo, che va gelosamente salvaguardato." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(755) "In the shade of a pergola, where the view takes in a sweep of green meadows and deep blue skies, a fresh nectar and a good book are the best companions. In this intense quiet, your senses are pervaded by harmonious sounds, aromatic herbaceous notes, woody and flowery scents. Open spaces, vivid, natural colours and reassuring odours put us into a peaceful inner frame of mind, freeing the intellect and allowing it to wander unfettered... amid the myriad stimuli, the stories and the adventures that cross our minds and flit away on the wings of aromas and perfumes. Otium was the time devoted to speculative activity, to the reading that enabled them to learn more about the world and themselves. It is a sacred, intimate time, worth guarding jealously." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-02-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(164) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#302 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311b5fb8e0ff0955a5ad" } ["uid"]=> int(21524914) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(34) "Preludio d'Oriente - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(32) "preludio-d-oriente-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(267) "The intriguing tales of the Thousand and One Nights, the allure of the Maharajahs' gardens, the unparalleled love story told by the Taj Mahal. Seductive and magical world are conjured up in Preludio d'Oriente by sandalwood, patchouli and agarwood in a perfect accord." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(3) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "3" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA007_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#303 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(467000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(34) "Preludio d'Oriente - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(267) "The intriguing tales of the Thousand and One Nights, the allure of the Maharajahs' gardens, the unparalleled love story told by the Taj Mahal. Seductive and magical world are conjured up in Preludio d'Oriente by sandalwood, patchouli and agarwood in a perfect accord." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317492" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834fbe39ee11b93a4d00b" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(34) "Preludio d'Oriente - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(267) "Le Mille e una Notte, l'affascinante India dei Maharaja, la struggente storia d'amore suggellata dal Taj-Mahal. Mondi seducenti sono evocati in Preludio d'Oriente da sandalo, patchouli e agar, accordati così perfettamente da sembrare un affiatatissimo trio musicale." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(33) "Patchouli, Sandalo, Legno di Agar" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(31) "Patchouli, Sandalwood, Agarwood" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(17) "Legnosa Muschiata" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(11) "Mossy Woods" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(60) "Preludio+d%27Oriente.mp3?documentID=5f5a21c700f2206726e0a670" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317492" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(16) "Limone,Mandarino" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(14) "Lemon,Mandarin" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(35) "Artemisia,Incenso,Pelle Scamosciata" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(31) "Artemisia,Incense,Suede Leather" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(40) "Legno di Agar,Legno di Sandalo,Patchouli" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(29) "Agarwood,Sandalwood,Patchouli" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(16) "Limone,Mandarino" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(34) "Artemisia,Incenso,PelleScamosciata" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(28) "Legno,LegnoSandalo,Patchouli" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-04-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(438) "Questa fragranza annuncia con meravigliosa delicatezza e leggiadria qualcosa che verrà e ci sorprenderà. I giardini delle Esperidi, le vesti preziose, le fumigazioni di pregiati incensi, sono solo alcune delle suggestioni che vengono centellinate ed evocate in modo estremamente delicato. Preludio d'Oriente è un affascinante ispiratore, il suggeritore di quella magica storia che verrà completata e resa unica da chi lo indosserà. " ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(403) "This fragrance announces with wonderful delicacy and lightness something to come that will surprise us all. The Gardens of the Hesperides, priceless gowns and the fumes of costly incense are only some of the evocations it enumerates and calls forth so utterly delicately. Preludio d'Oriente is a fascinating inspiration, suggesting the magical story that will be completed and made unique by its wearer." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(438) "Questa fragranza annuncia con meravigliosa delicatezza e leggiadria qualcosa che verrà e ci sorprenderà. I giardini delle Esperidi, le vesti preziose, le fumigazioni di pregiati incensi, sono solo alcune delle suggestioni che vengono centellinate ed evocate in modo estremamente delicato. Preludio d'Oriente è un affascinante ispiratore, il suggeritore di quella magica storia che verrà completata e resa unica da chi lo indosserà. " ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(403) "This fragrance announces with wonderful delicacy and lightness something to come that will surprise us all. The Gardens of the Hesperides, priceless gowns and the fumes of costly incense are only some of the evocations it enumerates and calls forth so utterly delicately. Preludio d'Oriente is a fascinating inspiration, suggesting the magical story that will be completed and made unique by its wearer." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-04-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(556) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#304 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311ce39ee1cb4e827978" } ["uid"]=> int(21524916) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(23) "Roboris - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(21) "roboris-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(227) "Roboris is the wind bearing the rains that are about to fall on dry sand and sun-baked plateaus while, all around, hints of magic herbs, musk, leather and wood waft in. It's positive strength, kindness, the certainties of life." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(1) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "20" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA009_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#305 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(833000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(23) "Roboris - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(227) "Roboris is the wind bearing the rains that are about to fall on dry sand and sun-baked plateaus while, all around, hints of magic herbs, musk, leather and wood waft in. It's positive strength, kindness, the certainties of life." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317546" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f983501e39ee1f896a4cc74" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(23) "Roboris - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(261) "Roboris è il vento che annuncia la pioggia che cadrà sulla sabbia calda e asciutta e sulle alture riarse dal sole mentre attorno si diffondono i sentori delle erbe magiche, dei muschi, delle pelli e dei legni. E' forza positiva, benevolenza, certezza di vita." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(58) "Sandalo, Vetiver, Legno di Cedro, Fava Tonka, Ambra Grigia" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(54) "Sandalwood, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Tonka Beans, Ambergris" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(7) "Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(5) "Woods" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(5) "Verde" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Green" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(47) "Roboris.mp3?documentID=5f5a21d7be7ea0fecc0f2efb" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317546" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(36) "Glicine,Rabarbaro,Foglie di Violetta" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(29) "Wisteria,Rhubarb,Violet Leafs" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(25) "Fiore di Cactus,Gelsomino" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(22) "Cactus Flowers,Jasmine" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(52) "Ambra Grigia,Legno di Cedro,Legno di Sandalo,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(38) "Ambergris,Cedarwood,Sandalwood,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(26) "Glicine,Rabarbaro,Violetta" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(21) "CactusFiore,Gelsomino" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(38) "AmbraGrigia,Legno,LegnoSandalo,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-09-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(534) "Su un'altura nel deserto uno stregone pellerossa brucia erbe magiche. Osserva le nubi che si stanno avvicinando. E' grato alla Grande Madre per i suoi doni, le pietre e la sabbia, le piante, l'erba, i bufali, i serpenti e le gocce di pioggia che daranno nuova vita e regaleranno prosperità ai suoi fratelli. La Natura sta per concedere un dono. Il nome della fragranza è Roboris perché la Natura è forza (dal latino vis, roboris), pura e potente, e, come una grande quercia (lat.robur, roboris), è solida, robusta ed accogliente." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(571) "On a desert highland, an American Indian medicine man burns magic herbs. He observes as dense clouds make their approach. He is grateful to the Great Mother for her gifts: the stones and sand, herbs, the buffalo, the snakes and the droplets of rain that give new life, ensuring prosperity for his brethren. Nature is about to offer a gift. The fragrance is named Roboris because Nature is Strength (from Latin vis, roboris) in its purest form, powerful and, like a centuries-old Oak (from Latin: robur, roboris) standing proud and tall, it is solid, sturdy and welcoming." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(534) "Su un'altura nel deserto uno stregone pellerossa brucia erbe magiche. Osserva le nubi che si stanno avvicinando. E' grato alla Grande Madre per i suoi doni, le pietre e la sabbia, le piante, l'erba, i bufali, i serpenti e le gocce di pioggia che daranno nuova vita e regaleranno prosperità ai suoi fratelli. La Natura sta per concedere un dono. Il nome della fragranza è Roboris perché la Natura è forza (dal latino vis, roboris), pura e potente, e, come una grande quercia (lat.robur, roboris), è solida, robusta ed accogliente." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(571) "On a desert highland, an American Indian medicine man burns magic herbs. He observes as dense clouds make their approach. He is grateful to the Great Mother for her gifts: the stones and sand, herbs, the buffalo, the snakes and the droplets of rain that give new life, ensuring prosperity for his brethren. Nature is about to offer a gift. The fragrance is named Roboris because Nature is Strength (from Latin vis, roboris) in its purest form, powerful and, like a centuries-old Oak (from Latin: robur, roboris) standing proud and tall, it is solid, sturdy and welcoming." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-09-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(245) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#306 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311de39ee11b4c827997" } ["uid"]=> int(21524918) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(26) "Sottosopra - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(24) "sottosopra-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(472) "In Sottosopra the use of different olfactory geometries, lively and spicy, but also watery and rarified, distorts the perception and leaves space to a disorienting void, an apparently absent, an oniric dimension that attracts you to float freely in it. The warm bottom notes are so welcoming that they draw selfconfidence, they add substance and outline a safe port. That’s a homey olfactory place which arouses reassuring, protective sensations where you can loosen up." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "6" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA011_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#307 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(740000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Sottosopra - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(472) "In Sottosopra the use of different olfactory geometries, lively and spicy, but also watery and rarified, distorts the perception and leaves space to a disorienting void, an apparently absent, an oniric dimension that attracts you to float freely in it. The warm bottom notes are so welcoming that they draw selfconfidence, they add substance and outline a safe port. That’s a homey olfactory place which arouses reassuring, protective sensations where you can loosen up." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317560" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f983507e39ee14c98a4c99d" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Sottosopra - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(565) "In Sottosopra l’uso sapiente di differenti geometrie olfattive, vivaci e speziate, ma anche acquatiche e rarefatte, distorce la percezione e lascia spazio a un vuoto disorientante, un cuore apparentemente inesistente, una dimensione onirica attraente in cui fluttuare senza limiti. Il fondo sorprendentemente accogliente rappresenta la certezza, un tripudio di note calde di muschio, cuoio e ambra grigia che conferisce volume e delinea l’approdo sicuro, un “luogo” olfattivo che infonde sensazioni rassicuranti e protettive, in cui finalmente abbandonarsi." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(79) "Patchouli, Vetiver, Muschio, Franchincenso, Cuoio, Muschio Bianco, Ambra Grigia" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(15) "Ambrata Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(11) "Woody Amber" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(9) "Acquatica" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Water" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(50) "Sottosopra.mp3?documentID=5f5a226100f2203728e0a679" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317560" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(38) "Bergamotto,Limone,Menta,Prugna,Fragola" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(35) "Bergamot,Lemon,Mint,Plum,Strawberry" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(30) "Gelsomino,Mughetto,Note Marine" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(39) "Jasmine,Lily of the Valley,Marine Notes" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(73) "Ambra Grigia,Franchincenso,Cuoio,Muschio,Muschio Bianco,Patchouli,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(64) "Ambergris,Frankincense,Leather,Moss,White Musk,Patchouli,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(38) "Bergamotto,Limone,Menta,Prugna,Fragola" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(29) "Gelsomino,Mughetto,NoteMarine" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(65) "AmbraGrigia,Incenso,Cuoio,Muschio,MuschioBianco,Patchouli,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-11-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(1097) "Percorrere una strada che ci fa inaspettatamente ritrovare a testa in giù, per poi tornare alla posizione di partenza… come nel nastro di Moebius, quella superficie continua che si ottiene ruotando l’estremità di una striscia di 180 gradi e collegandola poi all’altra. Se iniziamo il percorso in piedi lungo il nastro, una volta terminato il primo giro, ci ritroveremo capovolti… sottosopra, come se non vi fosse gravità e lo spazio avesse altre dimensioni. I riferimenti diventano labili, le certezze svaniscono, il senso di libertà si espande e fa provare un’ebrezza che è quasi vertigine, ma è anche un sogno intessuto di leggerezza e assoluta indipendenza. Il sogno è realtà e la realtà è sogno, in un fluire continuo e sempre nuovo, dove tutto è possibile e il desiderio di osare diventa impellenza, gioiosa euforia. Non spaventiamoci per cose che non hanno nulla di insolito in verità. Le regole si possono alterare e lasciarsi andare senza timore può portarci a vedere il mondo sotto una nuova e più interessante prospettiva. Senza paura, verso uno splendido ignoto." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(1059) "Walking along a street that seems endless. You suddenly find yourself upside down and then you go back to the same spot… like the Moebius strip. That surface that you get when you rotate one end of a band by 180 degrees and you link it to the other one. If you start walking around the path, once you have finished the first round you find yourself overturned as if there was no gravity and the space all around you had different dimensions. References become labile and your certainties disappear, your sense of freedom encreases and you feel an excitement that seems dizziness, but it is also a lightness dream and total independence. Dream is reality and reality is a dream, in a continuous flow that is new every time. Everything becomes possible and the desire of daring becomes compelling and generates joyous euphoria. So don’t get scared of things that in the reality are not unusual, rules can be changed. When you let go, you can see the world under a new and really interesting point of view. Going on with no fear, towards a wonderful unknown." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(1097) "Percorrere una strada che ci fa inaspettatamente ritrovare a testa in giù, per poi tornare alla posizione di partenza… come nel nastro di Moebius, quella superficie continua che si ottiene ruotando l’estremità di una striscia di 180 gradi e collegandola poi all’altra. Se iniziamo il percorso in piedi lungo il nastro, una volta terminato il primo giro, ci ritroveremo capovolti… sottosopra, come se non vi fosse gravità e lo spazio avesse altre dimensioni. I riferimenti diventano labili, le certezze svaniscono, il senso di libertà si espande e fa provare un’ebrezza che è quasi vertigine, ma è anche un sogno intessuto di leggerezza e assoluta indipendenza. Il sogno è realtà e la realtà è sogno, in un fluire continuo e sempre nuovo, dove tutto è possibile e il desiderio di osare diventa impellenza, gioiosa euforia. Non spaventiamoci per cose che non hanno nulla di insolito in verità. Le regole si possono alterare e lasciarsi andare senza timore può portarci a vedere il mondo sotto una nuova e più interessante prospettiva. Senza paura, verso uno splendido ignoto." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(1059) "Walking along a street that seems endless. You suddenly find yourself upside down and then you go back to the same spot… like the Moebius strip. That surface that you get when you rotate one end of a band by 180 degrees and you link it to the other one. If you start walking around the path, once you have finished the first round you find yourself overturned as if there was no gravity and the space all around you had different dimensions. References become labile and your certainties disappear, your sense of freedom encreases and you feel an excitement that seems dizziness, but it is also a lightness dream and total independence. Dream is reality and reality is a dream, in a continuous flow that is new every time. Everything becomes possible and the desire of daring becomes compelling and generates joyous euphoria. So don’t get scared of things that in the reality are not unusual, rules can be changed. When you let go, you can see the world under a new and really interesting point of view. Going on with no fear, towards a wonderful unknown." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-11-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(15) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }
array(39) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#308 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "61407cc9e39ee1f3484e9d4f" } ["uid"]=> int(22973682) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(44) "Sottosopra Edizione Numerata - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(42) "sottosopra-edizione-numerata-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(879) "Calé has always been interested in promoting the dialogue between the art of perfume and the visual arts and that’s the reason of the collaboration with the artist Marco Ceroni. The numbered edition of Sottosopra has a bronze sculpture cap created by Ceroni and inspired by the ouroboros, a snake biting its tail, symbolizing the infinite, temporal cyclicality. The artist’s contemporary version reproduces an animal whose body we are only allowed to see, meaning only the present is revealed but not the past and the future. A present living with its contradictions and its reversals, exactly like the upside-down world inspiring the perfume, where the rules can be overturned to discover the pleasure of the unexpected. The bottle of Sottopra comes upside-down in a hand numbered box that highlights the bronze cap. Every box is accompanied by an authenticity certificate." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(210) ["final_price"]=> float(210) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(1) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "6" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(1) "2" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA013_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#309 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(835000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(44) "Sottosopra Edizione Numerata - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(879) "Calé has always been interested in promoting the dialogue between the art of perfume and the visual arts and that’s the reason of the collaboration with the artist Marco Ceroni. The numbered edition of Sottosopra has a bronze sculpture cap created by Ceroni and inspired by the ouroboros, a snake biting its tail, symbolizing the infinite, temporal cyclicality. The artist’s contemporary version reproduces an animal whose body we are only allowed to see, meaning only the present is revealed but not the past and the future. A present living with its contradictions and its reversals, exactly like the upside-down world inspiring the perfume, where the rules can be overturned to discover the pleasure of the unexpected. The bottle of Sottopra comes upside-down in a hand numbered box that highlights the bronze cap. Every box is accompanied by an authenticity certificate." } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "61adea6a00f220152c5c0fa9" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(44) "Sottosopra Edizione Numerata - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(913) "Calé promuove da sempre il dialogo tra arte del profumo e arti visive e da questa commistione è nata la collaborazione con l’artista Marco Ceroni. L'edizione numerata di Sottosopra presenta un tappo scultura in bronzo realizzato da Ceroni e ispirato all'uroboro, un serpente che si morde la coda, simbolo dell'infinita ciclicità temporale. In questa versione contemporanea l’artista riproduce un animale di cui ci è dato vedere solo il corpo, ovvero il presente ma non il passato e il futuro. Un presente che vive delle sue contraddizioni e dei suoi capovolgimenti, come il mondo sottosopra da cui trae origine il profumo, dove le regole si possono ribaltare per scoprire il piacere dell'inaspettato. Il flacone di Sottosopra è custodito in una confezione numerata a mano e si presenta capovolto portando l’attenzione sul tappo in bronzo. Ogni scatola è accompagnata da un certificato di autenticità." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(15) "Ambrata Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(11) "Woody Amber" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(9) "Acquatica" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Water" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8055773544031" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(31) "Bergamotto,Fragola,Limone,Menta" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(30) "Bergamot,Strawberry,Lemon,Mint" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(30) "Gelsomino,Mughetto,Note Marine" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(39) "Jasmine,Lily of the Valley,Marine Notes" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(73) "Ambra Grigia,Cuoio,Franchincenso,Muschio,Muschio Bianco,Patchouli,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(70) "Ambergris,Leather Notes,Frankincense,Moss,White Musk,Patchouli,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(31) "Bergamotto,Fragola,Limone,Menta" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(29) "Gelsomino,Mughetto,NoteMarine" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(65) "AmbraGrigia,Cuoio,Incenso,Muschio,MuschioBianco,Patchouli,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(561) "In Sottosopra l’uso sapiente di differenti geometrie olfattive, vivaci e speziate, ma anche acquatiche e rarefatte, distorce la percezione e lascia spazio a un vuoto disorientante, un cuore apparentemente inesistente, una dimensione onirica attraente in cui fluttuare senza limiti. Il fondo sorprendentemente accogliente rappresenta la certezza, un tripudio di note calde di muschio, cuoio e ambra grigia che conferisce volume e delinea l’approdo sicuro, un 'luogo' olfattivo che infonde sensazioni rassicuranti e protettive, in cui finalmente abbandonarsi." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(472) "In Sottosopra the use of different olfactory geometries, lively and spicy, but also watery and rarified, distorts the perception and leaves space to a disorienting void, an apparently absent, an oniric dimension that attracts you to float freely in it. The warm bottom notes are so welcoming that they draw selfconfidence, they add substance and outline a safe port. That’s a homey olfactory place which arouses reassuring, protective sensations where you can loosen up." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(572) "

In Sottosopra l’uso sapiente di differenti geometrie olfattive, vivaci e speziate, ma anche acquatiche e rarefatte, distorce la percezione e lascia spazio a un vuoto disorientante, un cuore apparentemente inesistente, una dimensione onirica attraente in cui fluttuare senza limiti. Il fondo sorprendentemente accogliente rappresenta la certezza, un tripudio di note calde di muschio, cuoio e ambra grigia che conferisce volume e delinea l’approdo sicuro, un 'luogo' olfattivo che infonde sensazioni rassicuranti e protettive, in cui finalmente abbandonarsi.

" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(483) "

In Sottosopra the use of different olfactory geometries, lively and spicy, but also watery and rarified, distorts the perception and leaves space to a disorienting void, an apparently absent, an oniric dimension that attracts you to float freely in it. The warm bottom notes are so welcoming that they draw selfconfidence, they add substance and outline a safe port. That’s a homey olfactory place which arouses reassuring, protective sensations where you can loosen up.

" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-13-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(0) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8055773544031" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) }
array(37) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#310 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311c00f220efa64f697d" } ["uid"]=> int(21524915) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(26) "Tepidarium - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(24) "tepidarium-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(261) "Tepidarium is an ode to being footloose and fancy free. It is reassuring, warm and sweet, pleasant and positive. From its fun-filled citrusy note a caramelised note grows up. A concrete, solid base whose green, woody and musky notes are underlined by green tea." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "9" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "10" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA008_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#311 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(617000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Tepidarium - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(261) "Tepidarium is an ode to being footloose and fancy free. It is reassuring, warm and sweet, pleasant and positive. From its fun-filled citrusy note a caramelised note grows up. A concrete, solid base whose green, woody and musky notes are underlined by green tea." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317461" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f9834fee39ee1f896a4cc6e" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(26) "Tepidarium - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(302) "Tepidarium è un'ode alla spensieratezza, alla serenità. Rassicurante, caldo, dolce e positivo. Dalla briosa nota agrumata di pompelmo e limone spunta una nota caramellata di piña colada. Segue un fondo concreto, solido, equilibrato in cui note verdi, legnose e muschiate sono esaltate dal the verde." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(34) "Vetiver, Muschio Bianco, The Verde" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(30) "Vetiver, White Musk, Green Tea" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(8) "Agrumata" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(6) "Citrus" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(8) "Gourmand" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(8) "Gourmand" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(50) "Tepidarium.mp3?documentID=5f5a227fbe7ea098cf0f2efc" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317461" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(20) "Limone,Pompelmo,Rhum" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(20) "Lemon,Grapefruit,Rum" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(27) "Acacia,Magnolia,Pina Colada" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(27) "Acacia,Magnolia,Pina Colada" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(32) "Muschio Bianco,The Verde,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(28) "White Musk,Green Tea,Vetiver" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(20) "Limone,Pompelmo,Rhum" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(26) "Acacia,Magnolia,PinaColada" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(30) "MuschioBianco,TheVerde,Vetiver" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(21) "CA9-07-802,CA9-07R800" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(688) "Voglia di evasione. Sembra di percepire il piacevole calore dei raggi del sole sulla pelle e il pigro dondolio dell'amaca. Un cocktail esotico in riva al mare o ai bordi di una piscina. Un momento di relax nel pieno della vacanza, prima di decidere come spendere al meglio il tempo rimanente. Momenti come questi meritano di essere assaporati al meglio, in piena tranquillità. Nelle terme romane il Caldarium per i bagni caldi e il Frigidarium per quelli freddi erano raggruppati attorno al Tepidarium, la grande sala centrale. Era qui che si passava la maggior parte del tempo e si indulgeva nella parte più rilassante dei trattamenti, intrattenendosi amabilmente con gli altri ospiti." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(776) "You want to get away from it all. You can almost feel the pleasant warmth of the sunshine as it caresses your skin and the lazy to and fro of your hammock. An exotic cocktail on the seashore or at the poolside. A moment's relaxation in the middle of your holiday, before you decide how best to while away the rest of the time you have set aside for a temporary break from your work and your commitments. Moments like these deserve to be savoured to the full, in the utmost peace and quiet. In the Roman baths the Caldarium for the hot bath and the Frigidarium for the cold plunge were grouped around the great central hall named the Tepidarium. It was here that patrons spent most of their time and indulged in the most relaxing part of the treatments, while chatting amiably." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(688) "Voglia di evasione. Sembra di percepire il piacevole calore dei raggi del sole sulla pelle e il pigro dondolio dell'amaca. Un cocktail esotico in riva al mare o ai bordi di una piscina. Un momento di relax nel pieno della vacanza, prima di decidere come spendere al meglio il tempo rimanente. Momenti come questi meritano di essere assaporati al meglio, in piena tranquillità. Nelle terme romane il Caldarium per i bagni caldi e il Frigidarium per quelli freddi erano raggruppati attorno al Tepidarium, la grande sala centrale. Era qui che si passava la maggior parte del tempo e si indulgeva nella parte più rilassante dei trattamenti, intrattenendosi amabilmente con gli altri ospiti." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(776) "You want to get away from it all. You can almost feel the pleasant warmth of the sunshine as it caresses your skin and the lazy to and fro of your hammock. An exotic cocktail on the seashore or at the poolside. A moment's relaxation in the middle of your holiday, before you decide how best to while away the rest of the time you have set aside for a temporary break from your work and your commitments. Moments like these deserve to be savoured to the full, in the utmost peace and quiet. In the Roman baths the Caldarium for the hot bath and the Frigidarium for the cold plunge were grouped around the great central hall named the Tepidarium. It was here that patrons spent most of their time and indulged in the most relaxing part of the treatments, while chatting amiably." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-07-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(688) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" }