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A highly evocative collection of fragrances in their compositions and names. It introduces real or imagined stories that take you close or far away, in time and space. It’s surprising to be part of it, like fragments of memories and emotions that sometimes belong to your life as well.
array(39) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#291 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5f83311de39ee18f4c827990" } ["uid"]=> int(21524917) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(22) "Fulgor - Eau de Parfum" ["slug"]=> string(20) "fulgor-eau-de-parfum" ["description"]=> string(240) "Fulgor is strong, imperative, with graphite and pyrite mineral notes. Cold fruity notes evoke dense rain-laden clouds. Power, strength and mistery, hidden behind Forces of Nature, are expressed by amber, incense, herbaceous and woody notes." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(24) "5e9ec7d000f2209dc378443b" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(105) ["final_price"]=> float(105) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(4) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" ["olfactory-family"]=> string(1) "6" ["subolfactory-family"]=> string(2) "20" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA010_60104" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#292 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739847600) ["usec"]=> int(738000) } ["services"]=> array(1) { ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(22) "Fulgor - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(240) "Fulgor is strong, imperative, with graphite and pyrite mineral notes. Cold fruity notes evoke dense rain-laden clouds. Power, strength and mistery, hidden behind Forces of Nature, are expressed by amber, incense, herbaceous and woody notes." } ["data"]=> array(4) { ["ean13"]=> string(13) "8051277317522" ["minQuantity"]=> int(1) ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["step"]=> int(1) } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "5f983504e39ee14897a4cb14" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(22) "Fulgor - Eau de Parfum" ["description"]=> string(272) "Fulgor è una fragranza solida, imperativa, con note minerali di grafite e pirite. Note fruttate ma fredde evocano nuvole cariche di pioggia. Possanza, forza e arcano che si celano dietro le forze della Natura sono espresse da nuance incensate, erbacee, ambrate e legnose." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(51) "Incenso, Patchouli, Ambra Minerale, Grafite, Pirite" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(51) "Incense, Patchouli, Mineral Amber, Graphite, Pyrite" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(15) "Ambrata Legnosa" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(11) "Woody Amber" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(5) "Verde" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(5) "Green" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(46) "Fulgor.mp3?documentID=5f59e51bbe7ea0ebe70f2ef0" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(13) "8051277317522" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(37) "Foglie di Fico,Mandarino Verde,Cassis" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(40) "Fig Leaves,Green Tangerine,Black Currant" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(26) "Magnolia,Narciso,Zafferano" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(26) "Magnolia,Narcissus,Saffron" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(37) "Ambra Minerale,Grafite,Incenso,Pirite" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(37) "Mineral Amber,Graphite,Incense,Pyrite" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(35) "FicoFoglie,MandarinoVerde,RibesNero" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(26) "Magnolia,Narciso,Zafferano" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(28) "Ambra,Grafite,Incenso,Pirite" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(10) "CA9-10-802" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(766) "Mutamenti improvvisi della Natura si palesano con dirompente energia... qualcosa sta per succedere, forze immani si stanno radunando. Fulgor è l'attimo prima dello sfogarsi di un grandioso temporale nel deserto, è elettricità di fulmine, aridità di sabbia, nubi cariche di umidità nel luogo più arido che si possa immaginare. Lampi e tuoni impressionanti annunciano lo scatenarsi di un evento inatteso. Densità di cariche elettriche, venti turbinosi, improvvisi oscuramenti del sole. Forti contrasti, presagi di un imminente conflitto tra Forze della Natura. Con il suo carattere determinato, deciso e impaziente Fulgor è coesistenza di elementi opposti: deserto e acqua, vento e calore, silenzio e fragore, ansiosi di sfuggire dalla loro forzata convivenza." ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(744) "Sudden changes in Nature explode onto the scene... something is about to happen, tremendous forces are coming together. Fulgor is that very moment, the one just before the desert storm: the electricity in a lightning bolt, the arid sand, dense dark cloud laden with moisture in the driest place one could imagine. Bolts of lightning and the rolling thunder announce the unleashing of an expected event. The density of charges, the whirling wind, the sudden shrouding of the sun. Strong contrasts presage the imminent conflict between the very Forces of the Nature. With its determined, decisive character and its impatience, Fulgor embodies opposing elements, desert and water, wind and heat, silence and thunder,ready to escape their shackles." ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(766) "Mutamenti improvvisi della Natura si palesano con dirompente energia... qualcosa sta per succedere, forze immani si stanno radunando. Fulgor è l'attimo prima dello sfogarsi di un grandioso temporale nel deserto, è elettricità di fulmine, aridità di sabbia, nubi cariche di umidità nel luogo più arido che si possa immaginare. Lampi e tuoni impressionanti annunciano lo scatenarsi di un evento inatteso. Densità di cariche elettriche, venti turbinosi, improvvisi oscuramenti del sole. Forti contrasti, presagi di un imminente conflitto tra Forze della Natura. Con il suo carattere determinato, deciso e impaziente Fulgor è coesistenza di elementi opposti: deserto e acqua, vento e calore, silenzio e fragore, ansiosi di sfuggire dalla loro forzata convivenza." ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(744) "Sudden changes in Nature explode onto the scene... something is about to happen, tremendous forces are coming together. Fulgor is that very moment, the one just before the desert storm: the electricity in a lightning bolt, the arid sand, dense dark cloud laden with moisture in the driest place one could imagine. Bolts of lightning and the rolling thunder announce the unleashing of an expected event. The density of charges, the whirling wind, the sudden shrouding of the sun. Strong contrasts presage the imminent conflict between the very Forces of the Nature. With its determined, decisive character and its impatience, Fulgor embodies opposing elements, desert and water, wind and heat, silence and thunder,ready to escape their shackles." ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "50ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(12) { ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-10-051" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["price"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(7) ["h"]=> float(11) ["w"]=> float(7) ["weight"]=> float(0.195) ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "50ml" } ["superkey"]=> string(4) "50ml" ["available"]=> int(279) ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" } } ["ss"]=> array(23) { [0]=> int(119) [1]=> int(15) [2]=> int(24) [3]=> int(37) [4]=> int(61) [5]=> int(64) [6]=> int(65) [7]=> int(226) [8]=> int(75) [9]=> int(82) [10]=> int(35) [11]=> int(95) [12]=> int(111) [13]=> int(137) [14]=> int(143) [15]=> int(144) [16]=> int(175) [17]=> int(197) [18]=> int(198) [19]=> int(202) [20]=> int(220) [21]=> int(221) [22]=> int(233) } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["score"]=> float(4286.3392857143) }
array(39) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#293 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "679ae437e39ee12627df74ed" } ["uid"]=> int(34168851) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(53) "Le storie di Calé Fragranze d'Autore - Discovery Kit" ["slug"]=> string(50) "le-storie-di-cale-fragranze-d-autore-discovery-kit" ["description"]=> string(493) "‘Le storie di Calé Fragranze d’Autore’ Discovery Kit offers 13 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). A delightful, olfactory tasting to discover more about the stories of the brand: from the power of the nature and its generous gifts to the caleidoscope of emotions inspired by every fragrance. The kit contains: Allegro con Brio, Assolo, Brezza di Seta, Dolce Riso, Fulgor, Libera Mente, Mistero, Ozio, Preludio d’Oriente, Roboris, Sottosopra, Tepidarium and Archilibrium." ["taxable"]=> int(0) ["taxprofile"]=> string(5) "-----" ["brandUID"]=> int(21520160) ["categoryUID"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(21520174) } ["stockCount"]=> int(0) ["price"]=> float(40) ["final_price"]=> float(40) ["sale"]=> float(0) ["weight"]=> float(0) ["dimension"]=> array(3) { ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) } ["highview"]=> int(0) ["parameters"]=> array(2) { ["gender"]=> string(1) "3" ["supply"]=> string(1) "3" } ["downloadfile"]=> bool(false) ["shipping_cost"]=> float(0) ["code"]=> string(11) "CA999_60131" ["tags"]=> array(0) { } ["status"]=> int(1) ["update_at"]=> object(MongoDate)#294 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1739871938) ["usec"]=> int(365000) } ["services"]=> array(2) { ["ebay"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(0) } ["facebook"]=> array(1) { ["enable"]=> int(1) } } ["seo"]=> array(5) { ["title"]=> string(53) "Le storie di Calé Fragranze d'Autore - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(473) "‘Le storie di Calé Fragranze d’Autore’ Discovery Kit offers 13 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). A delightful, olfactory tasting to discover more about the stories of the brand: from the power of the nature and its generous gifts to the caleidoscope of emotions inspired by every fragrance. The kit contains: Allegro con Brio, Assolo, Brezza di Seta, Dolce Riso, Fulgor, Libera Mente, Mistero, Ozio, Preludio d’Oriente, Roboris, Sottosopra, Tepidarium and Archilibrium." ["keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(0) "" } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "67b456b7202628e9343115a4" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(53) "Le storie di Calé Fragranze d'Autore - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(501) "Il Discovery Kit ‘Le storie di Calé Fragranze d’Autore’ racchiude 13 fragranze nel formato spray da 1,5 ml. Una degustazione olfattiva sopraffina per scoprire i racconti del brand: dall’energia della natura e la generosità dei suoi doni al caleidoscopio di emozioni suscitate dai profumi della collezione.
Il Set contiene: Allegro con Brio, Assolo, Brezza di Seta, Dolce Riso, Fulgor, Libera Mente, Mistero, Ozio, Preludio d’Oriente, Roboris, Sottosopra, Tepidarium e Archilibrium." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "18ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(14) { ["superkey"]=> string(4) "18ml" ["available"]=> int(5) ["price"]=> float(0) ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-99-984" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(4) "18ml" } ["weight"]=> float(0) ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) ["dwfile"]=> string(0) "" ["gallery"]=> array(0) { } } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["data"]=> array(7) { ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["minQuantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["step"]=> string(1) "1" ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["productType"]=> string(8) "physical" ["unlimited"]=> bool(false) } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["score"]=> float(0) }
array(39) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#295 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "679ae438e39ee12627df74ee" } ["uid"]=> int(34168852) ["groupUID"]=> int(20955268) ["title"]=> string(36) "Energie della natura - Discovery Kit" ["slug"]=> string(34) "energie-della-natura-discovery-kit" ["description"]=> string(432) "‘Energie della Natura’ Discovery Kit includes 7 fragrances (1,5 ml spray). Get ready to discover more about the power of the nature channeled in Fulgor, and its generous gifts that have been the inspiration for Roboris and Dolce Riso. Get involved in the sense of positivity and well-being evoked by Tepidarium, Assolo e Allegro con Brio and be captivated by Archilibrium's perfect connection between man and nature." 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Get ready to discover more about the power of the nature channeled in Fulgor, and its generous gifts that have been the inspiration for Roboris and Dolce Riso. Get involved in the sense of positivity and well-being evoked by Tepidarium, Assolo e Allegro con Brio and be captivated by Archilibrium's perfect connection between man and nature." ["keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["robots"]=> string(0) "" } ["image_id"]=> string(24) "67b456945fb8e0484d48ba64" ["usevariants"]=> int(1) ["seo_lang"]=> array(1) { ["it_IT"]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(36) "Energie della natura - Discovery Kit" ["description"]=> string(407) "Il Discovery Kit ‘Energie della natura’ custodisce 7 fragranze nel formato spray da 1,5 ml. Preparatevi a scoprire la forza e la potenza della natura incanalata in Fulgor, i suoi doni raccontati con Roboris e Dolce Riso. Lasciatevi coinvolgere dal senso di positività e benessere evocati da Tepidarium, Assolo e Allegro con Brio e ammaliare dalla perfetta connessione tra uomo e natura di Archilibrium." } } ["attributes"]=> array(50) { ["5f7f2d8ae39ee15c17cb360a"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee11516cb3620"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ae39ee1e416cb3625"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1dd16cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3621"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee1b615cb363e"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8be39ee11516cb3622"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35df"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1e416cb3626"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ce39ee1fa17cb35e0"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee1fa17cb35e1"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8de39ee10618cb35b9"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d5fb8e0923d4f3e9f"]=> string(6) "Unisex" ["5f7f2d8d00f220567a8db457"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11516cb3623"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee11616cb3681"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1e416cb3627"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8e00f2209e798db470"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8ee39ee1b615cb363f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8f00f22054738db47d"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fa"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee1a517cb35fb"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d8fe39ee10618cb35ba"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee1e416cb362c"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d945fb8e0053f4f3e9f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d94e39ee11616cb3682"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1dd16cb3640"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3602"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1b615cb3642"]=> string(5) "spray" ["5f7f2d95e39ee1a517cb3603"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee11616cb3683"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1a517cb3604"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d9600f2203a7a8db45b"]=> string(0) "" ["5f7f2d96e39ee1de16cb365f"]=> string(0) "" ["5f8435965fb8e0f76ac7e260"]=> string(0) "" ["5f968bb7e39ee1267a7e490c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691b"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e076929"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1cf5e076920"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691c"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1405d076982"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee11a5f07691d"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935be39ee1c85e07692a"]=> string(0) "" ["6033935ce39ee11a5f07691e"]=> string(0) "" ["60555e3a00f2201e035f6539"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1a1175337e5"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1611353383d"]=> int(0) ["614d3834e39ee1861b533730"]=> string(0) "" ["614d3834e39ee1ce1b533732"]=> string(0) "" } ["vars"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3) "9ml" } } ["variants"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(14) { ["superkey"]=> string(3) "9ml" ["available"]=> int(3) ["price"]=> float(0) ["sku"]=> string(10) "CA0-99-988" ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["image"]=> string(60) "" ["variants"]=> array(1) { ["Volume"]=> string(3) "9ml" } ["weight"]=> float(0) ["w"]=> float(0) ["h"]=> float(0) ["z"]=> float(0) ["dwfile"]=> string(0) "" ["gallery"]=> array(0) { } } } ["socialCategory"]=> string(0) "" ["custom"]=> array(1) { ["class"]=> string(2) "pB" } ["qtydiscounts"]=> NULL ["data"]=> array(7) { ["ean13"]=> string(0) "" ["mpn"]=> string(0) "" ["minQuantity"]=> string(1) "1" ["step"]=> string(1) "1" ["maxQuantity"]=> int(0) ["productType"]=> string(8) "physical" ["unlimited"]=> bool(false) } ["packageTime"]=> string(0) "" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["score"]=> float(0) }